MARCH 28, 2020
I have received this message from the LORD, early this morning, and this is what he said to me, write these words, and send them through the airway.
“It is HIGH TIME” that the nations repent of their sins.
Man has continued, time and time again, doing the same thing over and over again, that is displeasing in my sight.
Or else I will come to you, and remove your candlestick.
You demonize my Holy Tabernacle for your profit.
There are those of you, who have listened to my sayings, and have kept them, you have done well; you continue to be in my love, and you shall be well rewarded.
And, there are some of you, who have shown no consideration for the people, whom I have sent. You took great disadvantage on those who are sick, lost, poor and needy; you even sell your own children for profit.
You also have not fed them anyone with my word, which is the needed nutriment to sustain their lives; that if a man live by them, he shall surely live.
Where is the love I foretold, which was given to you, by your fathers, fathers, your generation; that if a man lives by them, he shall surely live, but if he does not, he shall surely die.
You have watered down my Commandments for your own gain.
The LOST, you care nothing about, all you look forward to, is for your own gain.
And you have not taught the people the readings of the Books, written of some of the Prophets, namely Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah and others; not forgetting the law I gave to you by Moses my servant, which I command you to keep, even to this day.
Repent, or else I will come to you.
I am not here to condemn you, but there are some of you who love to have your ears tickle, listening to idle conversations, and teachings that come from demons, and not from me.
And as I have said, that in the last days, there will be a falling away.
THE TRUTH being said is not valued, and is cast away for naught.
They have polluted my Commandments, which I say, that if a man live by it, they will be rewarded.
This is my Commandments that I gave to you, and if you love me, you will keep my Commandments.”
These are the words of the LORD.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2018
God, I know that I am a sinner, forgive me of my sins.
By faith I believe, that Jesus Christ died on the cross, and his blood was shed for my sins; and on the third day, God raised him from the dead.
Lord Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and my Savior in my life.
Thank you Lord for saving me. Amen.
On November 16, 2016, during my devotion with the Lord, I received this message.
“My children who had prayed before, they are not praying anymore, they have lost the zeal within them; and some others have never even prayed.”
About three days later, I had a vision of a patch of dark grey cloud, located in the southwest area. Then later, the Lord revealed it to me as:
“A film of dark cloud looming over our area.
Let us encourage one another, and go before the Lord in prayers, with repentance and confessions for our sins.
On January 15, 2017 I received this message.
I felt within my heart, that the LORD spoke these words to me.
God said, “There is nothing I cannot heal, I could heal your heart of stone, and give you a heart of flesh. I could heal your land, and give you a land of milk and honey.
The Lord said, I am the Creator of all. I made the land. I made you with my own hands.”
“Did I not formed you, and put the breath in your nostrils, for you to breathe?
I breathe into you, life, I gave you your soul. Is there anything I cannot do?
I mould you into my image and my likeness. I am the LORD. Fear not, I am with you always, even at the end of times.”
The LORD continues,
“Again, I say ask, and I will give you the treasures of heaven. Have faith in me. I am your heavenly Father. I gave you my Son, whom you did not trust. Without him, you have no life. He came so you could have life. And we are one. He is within me, and I in him. We do nothing without each other. And without him you do nothing.”
“I leave you with these saying.”
“Seek me, and you will find me. Knock, and it will be opened unto you.
And ask, and you shall have all the treasures in your storeroom, and that you will not have enough room to store it.
Ask, that your joy may be filled, that you may have treasures in heaven.
There is plenty of meat in the storeroom; Ask, that you may have meat, enough but not to put in the storeroom.
“Ask, and I will feed you with enough to share it.
“Ask, and I will give you treasures in heaven. Ask, and I will open the gate to the door.”
“ I leave you with peace. God the Father.”
These are words of the LORD. Amen
The Lord continued with the message.
God said, “Give out this message to all the people, all the nations, all the countries, none excluded. Every town, every city, every place should know of my love for them.”
“The people of all nations are to pray for their leaders, their families, for one another, and for their country.
Likewise, they will do the same, for their neighbouring countries, and other countries around the world. They should pray for the people, the families, and the leaders.
The LORD said, “Give the message of the “GOOD NEWS” to the people, and tell them of my love.”
God says, “Every town, every city, every place should know of my love for them.”
Jesus said, “Let all the people know that I love them, I love them all. There are some things that are not pleasing to my sight, but I love them all, all, all……….I died for them.”
The LORD wants me to give this message to all people, all nations, all countries, in every city, in every town, in every place and the inner parts of the world, and to let them know that Jesus loves them.
Jesus loves us all, and I am happy that he died to save us all from our sins.God, the Father sent his Son to set us free from bondage. When I was writing the Lord’s message,
I was able to feel the passion of God’s love for us. Although his words were powerful, yet there was calmness in his voice, mixed with love, gentleness, care and compassion. Jesus concern for us is so deep, deeper than one could ever think.I went through my emotions. I was not afraid, but I trembled and shivered in awe, for a period of time.
Then God said, Post the message of the “GOOD NEWS.”
God said, “Man was not made to perish or to suffer, this is not my will. Man was made to enjoy the earth and the surroundings, to be full of joy, and to live a fulfilled life.
I will open doors that no man can close. And I will close doors that no man can open. I am God, I do not tell lies, I make promises and I keep them all.”
“I am GOD, the HOLY and RIGHTEOUS One. “
“Do not be afraid to ask me any thing, and as I say:
Ask, and I will hear you, I will listen to you, and I will answer you.
Seek, and I will make the way to find you.
Knock, and I will open the gate to the door, and I will let you in.”
These are the words of the Lord. Amen.
This message was first posted on February 19, 2016.
“I am the Lord thy God, Almighty.
The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.
I change not; Elohim is my name.
I love you. I love you. Love one another, even as I love you.”
“If my people who are called by my name, should humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land.”
“I know your scheme.”
“Repent, I say repent of your sins. Without repentance, there is no conversion for the remission of sins.”
These are the words of the Lord. Amen.